Want to get the “Big Picture” in the next 4 months?
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful…” (2 Timothy 3:16)
Happy New Year! Seems like this time of year, the two most common resolutions have to do with exercise and Bible reading. Goes something like this:
Resolution 1: I’m going to exercise every day until I lose 25 pounds.
Resolution 2: I’m going to have a quiet time every day.
The problem: Most of us make the resolution, but we don’t make a PLAN.
Many of you know this, but every year since 2010 I have spent January through April doing a “Bible Read Thru.” (And yes…that’s the whole Bible in four months.) Each year, I have had anywhere from four to ten people join me weekly to talk about what we’re reading.
Now is the time for the 5th Annual Bible Read Thru! And you’re invited!
If you want to read a bit more about how I’m including a few interactive, online components – and see a short video I recorded about the whole thing – you can check out this post from my blog.
For those of you who would like to hug the guy who created Cliff’s Notes, here’s the scoop:
1. Commit to reading the whole Bible by May 7. (Yes, I’ve thrown in a few extra days.) I’ve also created an eBook with the reading plan I’ll be using. You can download the Chronological Reading Plan for free at the bottom of this blog post.
2. Read with a pen in your hand. Jot down the conversations you have with God, the big questions, or the topics/people you’d like to explore later. Make sure you’re not writing down every thought, question, or application. Remember…this is a “read thru.”
3. Talk about it. This is the primary reason most people give up on their exercise or the quiet time. They try to do it alone. Getting together weekly will make you more consistent – and it’s heaps more fun! Starting on Wednesday, January 8, we will gather at the Kirkland Starbucks (right off 405 near the Kirkland Costco) from 6:30-7:30 AM.
The 4-Month Bible Read Thru has been a huge highlight of my year every year since 2010. I would love it if you would join me. Let me know that you’re on board – or shoot me any questions – via email at keith@keithferrin.com.
Let’s do this…together!
Alongside, Keith Keith can be reached via email here.