The 167: April 4, 2019
Following God’s plan
In one of my Seminary classes we are currently reading over the minor prophets, which are the last 12 book of the Old Testament. These books are often overlooked or viewed as unimportant. Both because of their name (The Minor Prophets) and because they are much shorter than most of the other Old Testament books!
This week we read from Habakkuk and Zephaniah. These two books contained one powerful message; evil is coming in the form of the Assyrian and Babylonian armies, and God will not stop it. God used the armies and the exile of his people to turn them back towards him. He stripped away everything they were using to hide behind so that their eyes would be opened and they would return to his love.
The time period of exile for the Israelites was one of the most foundational time periods in their history. It was during that period that they cemented the Old Testament. It was during that time period where they began to see all that God had done for them. And it was during that time that they began to look forward to Jesus.
What has God been trying to tell you recently? What exile did God put you through in your past that made you feel hurt or distant from God, but looking back you realized was one of the most foundational moments of your life?
If you are in a time now where you feel exiled or far from God, I encourage you to try and see God’s hand where you are, even just a little bit. I pray that you can see God’s hand moving throughout your life now, and also once you are through your exile.
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