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The 167: November 7, 2019

To my church family

I thank my God every time I think about you and this Church!

As I shared during the sermon on Sunday, these last few weeks have been a very difficult time for me. I am now almost reaching the point in my life where I feel caught up and at ease with everything that I need to do and everything that I am going through, Thanks be to God!

I am thanking you all for your continued support for me and my life since I came to this church. I have had the opportunity to grow and learn in more ways than I believed that I would. I want to encourage you, my church family, of a couple of things.

No matter what, act in a manner worthy of Jesus. No matter your situation, no matter what you are going through.

I pray that we are able to become a community where we look to others needs before our own, where we are able to show God’s love to others and where people look at us and want to join into our community.

Take joy from being a Christian! And remember that we are working for Jesus and his glory and his praise, not our own.

(In case you are confused, these were the talking points made from our passage last week; 1:27-2:11)

Join as next week as we continue to go through the letter of Philippians, as we here from Pastor Mark as he talks about Philippians 2:12-30.

“And on that day where my strength is failing. The end draws near and my time has come. Still my soul will sing God’s praise unending. Ten thousand years and then forever more. Bless the Lord Oh My Soul.”

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