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Hearing God’s Voice

Writer's picture: CreeksideCreekside

Have you experienced any additional nudging from the Holy Spirit this week? Are you listening more closely throughout the day?

I’d encourage you to write down the promptings you hear throughout the day, either taking note as you hear/obey them or reflecting at the end of the day. It will be a great visible reminder of how God is present with us as we journey through our week.

On Sunday we talked about hearing God’s voice and discussed:

a) Does God really speak to people; is it reasonable for me to expect God’s going to speak to me? b) How can we set ourselves up to be listening? c) If we do hear something, how do we discern whether it’s God’s voice?

DOES GOD REALLY SPEAK TO PEOPLE? TO ME? The Holy Spirit is Your Guide (Advocate, Comforter, Companion, Counselor, Helper, Friend) and will speak to you.

  1. John 14:16-17 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you. forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. ”

  2. Message “… he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you.

  3. We need to continually be asking for/inviting God to speak to us, and actively listening, believing and expecting that He will.

· It may be a warning · It may be a way he wants to use you that day · It may be an answer to guidance you were seeking or encouragement/truth you need reminding of

  1. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will even help us remember the scripture. “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26)

AM I OPEN TO HEARING GOD’S VOICE? HOW CAN WE SET OURSELVES UP TO BE LISTENING? Do I value what he says and believe it to be true? We don’t have to question the content of what He says to us or urges us to do. We can trust it. He isn’t going to deceive us. “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” (John 16:13)

What is my mind set?

  1. “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:5-6)

  2. It can be easy for us to convince ourselves that God is telling us to do something when it benefits us, or goes along with our desires. We need to be certain that we are putting our own desires aside, and are truly listening and seeking what God’s will for us would be in a situation or decision.

  3. Surrender and desire what he has for planned you… the way He wants to guide your day, thoughts, words, actions

  4. Am I inviting and expecting him to speak in ALL areas of my life, throughout my day?

What is my posture?

  1. Do we have an attentive and humble posture? Do you believe God is infinitely wiser than you? That his solutions are better than yours 10 times out of 10?

  2. Like Joshua, ask “What message does my Lord have for His servant?” (Joshua 5:13-14)

  3. Ask this question to God over and over… trust that the Lord will speak to you.

WHAT DOES GOD’S VOICE SOUND LIKE? HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN HE HAS “SPOKEN” TO ME? For me it is a nudging, a thought that pops into your mind; a whisper from your conscience.

How do you tell when God puts a thought in your mind? You can identify God is speaking to you when the thought meets these criteria:

1. It is aligned (consistent) with the Bible. God’s voice will not tell you to do something that goes against what He has revealed to us in the scripture.

2. It is aligned with God’s character. God is consistent and his character never changes. There may not be a specific verse you know to reference, but hold it up against God’s character to see if it aligns.

3. (In some cases) It isn’t a thought you would typically have.

4. It feels right – but not always comfortable. Don’t use “comfort” as a gauge for determining if it was God. You may not feel “really good” about what God is telling or asking you to do, but it will feel like it is the right thing to do.

You may not be SURE it is God speaking. Rule of Thumb: Trust it and obey it. Don’t over analyze. Get in the practice of obeying the prompting… and you may be wrong some of the time, but most of the time you will be right! It is OK if you’re wrong sometimes! Better than to never obey and be stuck in analysis paralysis.

Listen and Obey in Humility Get into the practice of obeying God’s voice/promptings even if it seems crazy or feels awkward. If we are someone God can count on to be obedient, he may start using us more often to accomplish his will!

As you get into the practice of listening and obeying God’s promptings, he is an advocate walking along side you and will protect you, use you, guide you, encourage you, transform you and AMAZE you!! He is working in your context and will invite you to be a part of amazing things for your personal growth as well as for His kingdom growth.

May attentiveness to the Holy Spirit, trusting obedience, unfathomable peace and simple AMAZEMENT of God be with you all!!!

Love, Becky Watson

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