The 167: August 15, 2019
This August we have been “Remembering Why We Do What We Do” on Sunday mornings. If you happened to miss a recent Sunday, make sure to check out our podcast here. Last Sunday we were in Mark 4 and we were reminded about the various soils that Jesus taught about. It’s our prayerful desire to soften any hardness of our soil, as well as to do our best to clear the “thorns” and “rocks” out of our soil.
Friends, one of the best ways to cultivate the good soil Jesus talked about during the 167 hours between our Sunday gatherings is to get plugged into a small group. Our small group ministry at Creekside is one of the key areas that we want to continue to grow and develop as we head into this next year.
We’ve created a short survey in hopes of receiving important input about our small group ministry from EVERYONE who attends at Creekside. It will take you less than 5 minutes to fill it out. I would be very grateful if you could do that now or in the next day or two. You can find it here. Thank you! -Pastor Mark
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