The 167: February 28, 2019
Last Sunday we wrapped up our winter series, “Encountering God from the Beginning,” as we looked at an encounter between God and Moses. Perhaps one of the most well known encounters in the Old Testament. All along this journey, we have learned about different names that God has…but a very significant one was revealed in our text on Sunday: “I AM WHO I AM.”
Most of us have a noun for our name, but God’s name is an active verb…and it’s incredibly fitting. As we have gone about living out our faith during the 167 hours of this week, have you noticed his action…his movement? We believe that God is at work all around us…all of the time. May you and I have the eyes today to better see where He is in action…and to have the faith and courage to either allow Him to do that work in us or join Him in the work He is doing around us.
See you on Saturday evening at 5pm at Highland Covenant Church for our evening of celebrating God’s faithfulness over the past 20 years at Creekside! (And Sunday morning too at our normal time of 9:30am!)
~ Pastor Mark
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